Statistics and meaning of name Gotea

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Gotea first name was found 3 times in 2 different countries. (Romania,Russia)
Surname Gotea is used at least 127 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 戈泰亚 (pinyin: gē tài yà)

      Surname Gotea
Given names
Vasile Gotea (12)
Ioan Gotea (10)
Dumitru Gotea (8)
Ionel Gotea (6)
Maria Gotea (6)
Aurel Gotea (4)
Anisia Gotea (4)
Mircea Gotea (3)
Sofia Gotea (3)
Marilena Gotea (3)
Ion Gotea (3)
Gheorghe Gotea (2)
Ioana Gotea (2)
Istrate Gotea (2)
Nicu Gotea (2)
Grigore Gotea (2)
Stefan Gotea (2)
Vasilica Gotea (2)
Coman Gotea (2)
Ana Gotea (2)
Florian Gotea (2)
Doina Gotea (2)
Mihai Gotea (2)
Dorina Gotea (2)
Petru Gotea (1)
Ovidiu Gotea (1)
Nora Gotea (1)
Simion Gotea (1)
Tinca Gotea (1)
Victoria Gotea (1)
Sultana Gotea (1)
Saltita Gotea (1)
Remus Gotea (1)
Raluca Gotea (1)
Ionut Gotea (1)
Eugenia Gotea (1)
Fironica Gotea (1)
Elena Gotea (1)
Dorin Gotea (1)
Constantin Gotea (1)
Coralia Gotea (1)
Floare Gotea (1)
Gavril Gotea (1)
Lina Gotea (1)
Mariana Gotea (1)
Liliana Gotea (1)
Alexandru Gotea (1)
Giza Gotea (1)
Neculai Gotea (1)

Family names
Gotea Raducanu (2)

Gotea reversed is Aetog
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Gotae Oegat Eatog Agoet Goeta Aoteg
Misspells: Goteo Goteaa Gtoea Gotae Goeta

Rhymes: Galatea tea curia curiae idea quia dia

Meaning of name Gotea is: from the Bulgarian name [Gote] ; see also the troponymic name 'Gotea'

Gotea Ionel says: Acest nume are o răspândire mare în Statele Unite Peru și în limba portugheză înseamnă picur . Nu este posibilă legătura acestui nume cu conchistadorii care au ocupat America de sud? Acest nume se găsește pe o piatră de mormânt de la 1700 în Statele Unite .

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation Romania Austria Switzerland Germany


Old Wiki
Name: Gotea
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning:1. from the Bulgarian name Gote ; see also the toponymic name Gotea 2. from the Bulgarian names Gotse , Gotsa ; see also the toponymic name Goţa
Comments:1. Gotea 2. Goţea

Writers: Valer Gotea

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