Statistics and meaning of name Gouriet

We have no records about Gouriet being used as firstname.
Surname Gouriet is used at least 70 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 古里耶 (pinyin: gǔ lǐ yé)

Given names
Rupert Gouriet (3)
John Gouriet (3)
Emma Gouriet (3)
Andrew Gouriet (3)
Matthew Gouriet (2)
Martine Gouriet (2)
Michael Gouriet (2)
Sandra Gouriet (2)
Tracey Gouriet (2)
Richard Gouriet (2)
Lisa Gouriet (2)
Geoffrey Gouriet (2)
James Gouriet (2)
Pierre Gouriet (1)
Romain Gouriet (1)
Harry Gouriet (1)
Christiane Gouriet (1)
Laurent Gouriet (1)
Roland Gouriet (1)
Karine Gouriet (1)
Jean Gouriet (1)
Liliane Gouriet (1)
Paulette Gouriet (1)
Isabelle Gouriet (1)
Olivier Gouriet (1)
Vincent Gouriet (1)
Davy Gouriet (1)
Patrice Gouriet (1)
Stephane Gouriet (1)
Jerome Gouriet (1)
Sarah Gouriet (1)
Gerald Gouriet (1)
Jade Gouriet (1)
Joanna Gouriet (1)
Genevieve Gouriet (1)
Frederick Gouriet (1)
Cassandra Gouriet (1)
Dean Gouriet (1)
Faye Gouriet (1)
Lee Gouriet (1)
Margery Gouriet (1)
Sylvie Gouriet (1)
Andre Gouriet (1)
Bernard Gouriet (1)
Valerie Gouriet (1)
Rosemary Gouriet (1)
Pamela Gouriet (1)
Rosemarie Gouriet (1)
Blandine Gouriet (1)

Surname Gouriet in France   

Gouriet reversed is Teiruog
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Guotrei Riogteu Gorutie Outreig Iturgeo Togurei Etigruo
Misspells: Gouliet Gourriet Gouryet Gourjet Goureet Gourieta Guoriet Gourite Goureit

Rhymes: Harriet Joliet Juliet Soviet diet disquiet curviest dirtiest worthiest murkiest curliest

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Stephen Gouriet Ryan says: I have seen several suggestions for the meaning of the name 'Gouriet': 1. from the Old French word 'gour' meaning a sow, hence 'keeper of swine'. 2. meaning 'a gentleman of fashion'. But I lean to 'trickster' (confidence man?), because there is a modern day French verb 'gourier', meaning to trick. 'Se gourer', the reflexive verb, means literally to trick oneself, i.e. to make a mistake. There is a coat of arms, which suggests an early armorial bearer of the name, i.e. a knight. The earliest bearer of the name that I have found is listed in the International Genealogical Index for France for someone alive in the 1400s, at a time when family names were making a resurgence. By the way, the name Gouriet is not pronounced to rhyme with 'Harriet', but rather 'Goor-ee-eh' i.e., with a silent 't'. In English the accent is on the first syllable, but in French is on the last syllable, as is common in French. P.S. There was a famous bearer of the name, my ancestor, Dennes Francois Victor Gouriet, born in Paris in the 1770s, and a hugely talented male ballet dancer on the Paris stage. There he was spotted by the foremost theatrical entrepreneur of late Georgian times, Charles Dibdin and head-hunted by him for a principle dancer at the ultra-luxurious palatial 'King's Theatre' in London. He became a huge sensation there and at Sadlers' Wells. To the best of my knowledge all Gouriets born in London after 1800 are descendants of this talented man, known as Denis-Francois Gouriet in Paris, and as Francois Gouriet in London.

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