Statistics and meaning of name Govenius

We have no records about Govenius being used as firstname.
Surname Govenius is used at least 19 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 戈韦纽斯 (pinyin: gē wéi niǔ sī)

      Surname Govenius
Given names
Siv Govenius (2)
Mats Govenius (2)
Rikard Govenius (2)
Elisabeth Govenius (2)
Anne Govenius (2)
Vera Govenius (1)
Stephanie Govenius (1)
Ulla Govenius (1)
Ludmila Govenius (1)
Mikkel Govenius (1)
Irene Govenius (1)
Ludde Govenius (1)
Maya Govenius (1)

Govenius reversed is Suinevog
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Egvosnui Uveinosg Uovsiegn Novugesi Uogveisn Snovugie Vionugse Ingevuos
Misspells: Goveniuss Govenyus Gobenius Govenjus Goveneus Goveniusa Gvoenius Govenisu Govenuis

Rhymes: Arrhenius genius Antonius Arminius Suetonius Vilnius homogeneous inhomogeneous anemias leukemias perfidious

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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