Statistics and meaning of name Goyena
Usage: 15% firstname, 85% surname.
Goyena first name was found 34 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Philippines)
Surname Goyena is used at least 188 times in at least 11 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 戈耶纳 (pinyin: gē yé nà)
Given names
Francisco Goyena (5) Maria Goyena (5) Jesus Goyena (3) Juan Goyena (3) Rosalina Goyena (3) Jose Goyena (2) Javier Goyena (2) Modesta Goyena (1) Andres Goyena (1) Manuel Goyena (1) Paola Goyena (1) Raul Goyena (1) Teresa Goyena (1) Ruben Goyena (1) Ana Goyena (1) Luisa Goyena (1) Julian Goyena (1) Irene Goyena (1) Fidencio Goyena (1) Francisca Goyena (1) Isabel Goyena (1) Alberto Goyena (1) Asuncion Goyena (1) Eduardo Goyena (1) Fermin Goyena (1) Fortunato Goyena (1) |
Goyena reversed is Aneyog
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Geynoa Ygonea Oygean Gyonae Neagyo Oygnae
Misspells: Goyeno Goiena Goyenaa Gyoena Goyean Goynea
Rhymes: hyena Alcmena Alhena Athena Deena Dena Elena arena vena galena marina
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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