Statistics and meaning of name Grammelhofer

We have no records about Grammelhofer being used as firstname.
Surname Grammelhofer is used at least 14 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Austria)

Given names
Bernhard Grammelhofer (2)
Friedl Grammelhofer (2)
Hubert Grammelhofer (1)
Thomas Grammelhofer (1)
Gertrude Grammelhofer (1)
Maria Grammelhofer (1)
Berta Grammelhofer (1)
Frank Grammelhofer (1)
Adelheid Grammelhofer (1)
Alois Grammelhofer (1)
Peter Grammelhofer (1)
Emma Grammelhofer (1)

Surname Grammelhofer in Austria   

Grammelhofer reversed is Refohlemmarg
Name contains 12 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Grommelhofer Glammelhofer Grrammelhofer Grammelhofera Garmmelhofer Grammelhofre Grammelhoefr

Rhymes: gofer twofer woofer Bonhoeffer Jenifer Jennifer Loafer proffer father coauthor salver bother

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Germany

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