Statistics and meaning of name Grevel

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Grevel first name was found 4 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Grevel is used at least 106 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 格雷韦尔 (pinyin: gé léi wéi ěr)

      Surname Grevel
Given names
Elke Grevel (2)
Ortwin Grevel (1)
Michael Grevel (1)
Matthias Grevel (1)
Rita Grevel (1)
Thomas Grevel (1)
Manfred Grevel (1)
Ulrich Grevel (1)
Jutta Grevel (1)
Julia Grevel (1)
Mechthild Grevel (1)
Claire Grevel (1)
Elmar Grevel (1)
Friedhelm Grevel (1)
Heinz Grevel (1)
Gerd Grevel (1)
Didier Grevel (1)

Surname Grevel in Germany   Surname Grevel in USA   

Grevel reversed is Leverg
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Gveerl Egrevl Vleger Gerelv Regelv
Misspells: Glevel Grrevel Grebel Grevela Gervel Grevle Greevl

Rhymes: revel Knievel bevel dishevel level weevil medieval retrieval primeval upheaval

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Thomas Grevel says: Grevel = Badger =Dachs(german)
Thomas Grevel says: Since you still quote that Grevel is unknown, I'm more than happy to sent you a picture of our family crest showing the badger. I also have a leather wraped gold plated book "Generalogie der Familie Grevel" printed in 1901, showing that my family tree dates back till the early 14th century (1302)
Thomas Grevel says: ...if you goto: and downlod "Band 8" PDF you'll find the Crest in the PDF on page 181. My grand father is listest in Xli child 4 Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich *12.2.1873 Apotheker (Pharmasist) on the pdf page 216 bottom / 217 top
Thomas Grevel says: BTW my E-Mail is and Grevel.ORG is mine

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States France United Kingdom Thailand Europe Austria Netherlands Israel


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