Statistics and meaning of name Grigoroaie

We have no records about Grigoroaie being used as firstname.
Surname Grigoroaie is used at least 8 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Maria Grigoroaie (2)
Vasile Grigoroaie (1)
Fanica Grigoroaie (1)
Elena Grigoroaie (1)
Constantin Grigoroaie (1)
Dumitru Grigoroaie (1)
Ana Grigoroaie (1)

Grigoroaie reversed is Eiaorogirg
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Raoggierio Egigirorao Irroegagio Goigieraro
Misspells: Grigorooie Gligoroaie Grrigoroaie Grygoroaie Grjgoroaie Gregoroaie Grigoroaiea Girgoroaie Grigoroaei Grigoroiae

Rhymes: aloha coleslaw

Meaning of name Grigoroaie is: the genitive variant of the name [Grigoroaia] derived from [Grigore] plus the suffix '-oaie'
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Old Wiki
Name: Grigoroaie
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the genitive variant of the name Grigoroaia derived from Grigore plus the suffix -oaie

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