Statistics and meaning of name Grijac

We have no records about Grijac being used as firstname.
Surname Grijac is used at least 85 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 格里扎克 (pinyin: gé lǐ zā kè)

      Surname Grijac
Given names
Ioan Grijac (12)
Gheorghe Grijac (12)
Vasile Grijac (8)
Nicolae Grijac (7)
Ana Grijac (5)
Maria Grijac (5)
Mihai Grijac (4)
Alexa Grijac (3)
Fedor Grijac (3)
Mariana Grijac (3)
Tania Grijac (2)
Volodia Grijac (2)
Ion Grijac (2)
Constantin Grijac (2)
Elek Grijac (2)
Alla Grijac (2)
Giorgian Grijac (1)
Victa Grijac (1)
Daniel Grijac (1)
Iuliana Grijac (1)
Ilona Grijac (1)

Grijac reversed is Cajirg
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Gjiarc Igrajc Jcigar Giracj Rigacj
Misspells: Grijoc Glijac Grrijac Gryjac Grjjac Griiac Grejac Grijaca Girjac Grijca Griajc

Rhymes: zwieback tieback teabag greenback leaseback

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Romania United States Germany France Netherlands Croatia Indonesia Ireland Macedonia

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