Statistics and meaning of name Grusea

We have no records about Grusea being used as firstname.
Surname Grusea is used at least 69 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Grusea
Given names
Ioan Grusea (6)
Nicolae Grusea (4)
Ana Grusea (4)
Gheorghe Grusea (3)
Ionel Grusea (3)
Romulus Grusea (3)
Eugenia Grusea (2)
Rodica Grusea (2)
Adriana Grusea (2)
Elvira Grusea (2)
Zosim Grusea (2)
Aurel Grusea (2)
Dorin Grusea (2)
Dumitru Grusea (2)
Emanoil Grusea (2)
Elena Grusea (2)
Viorel Grusea (1)
Zaharie Grusea (1)
Simona Grusea (1)
Tatiana Grusea (1)
Virginia Grusea (1)
Ilie Grusea (1)
Aurelian Grusea (1)
Angelica Grusea (1)
Emil Grusea (1)
Ioana Grusea (1)
Maria Grusea (1)
Roxana Grusea (1)

Grusea reversed is Aesurg
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rusage Gsuera Arseug Ugresa Rugsae Sauger Gureas Esagur Rugeas
Misspells: Gruseo Glusea Grrusea Grussea Gruseaa Gursea Grusae Gruesa

Rhymes: nausea Chelsea Hosea Swansea sea undersea alluvia effluvia minutiae minutia alleluia

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Thailand France

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