Statistics and meaning of name Gryziecka

We have no records about Gryziecka being used as firstname.
Surname Gryziecka is used at least 20 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Poland)

Given names
Elzbieta Gryziecka (5)
Maria Gryziecka (2)
Irena Gryziecka (2)
Grazyna Gryziecka (1)
Ewa Gryziecka (1)
Teresa Gryziecka (1)
Urszula Gryziecka (1)
Danuta Gryziecka (1)
Monika Gryziecka (1)
Bozena Gryziecka (1)
Helena Gryziecka (1)
Katarzyna Gryziecka (1)
Jadwiga Gryziecka (1)
Jozefa Gryziecka (1)

Surname Gryziecka in Poland   

Gryziecka reversed is Akceizyrg
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Ceakyzgir Cyerkagiz Ackigezry Izgykraec
Misspells: Gryziecko Glyziecka Grryziecka Gryzyecka Griziecka Gryzjecka Gryzeecka Gryzieckaa Gyrziecka Gryziecak Gryziekca

Rhymes: Ericka chlamydia chlamydiae spirea praesidia presidia

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Poland Italy Germany

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