Statistics and meaning of name Gulalai

Usage: 83% firstname, 17% surname.
Gulalai first name was found 85 times in 7 different countries.
Surname Gulalai is used at least 17 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Urdu.

      Surname Gulalai
Given names
Hakeem Gulalai (1)
Abdul Gulalai (1)
Morad Gulalai (1)

Given name Gulalai
Family names
Gulalai Hanan (1)
Gulalai Sayed (1)
Gulalai Meyakhil (1)
Gulalai Basirat (1)
Gulalai Nanng (1)
Gulalai Shirzai (1)
Gulalai Shakil (1)
Gulalai Morad (1)
Gulalai Nader (1)
Gulalai Ollah (1)
Gulalai Rahmatullah (1)
Gulalai Jan (1)

Surname Gulalai in USA   

Gulalai reversed is Ialalug
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Alugial Gualila Lilagau Iuglaal Ailgalu Aagilul
Misspells: Gulolai Gulalay Gulalaj Gulalae Gulalaia Glualai Gulalia Gulaali

Rhymes: Kublai Nikolai putaway cruelmente pellucidae fluente gurentai

Meaning of name Gulalai is: Beautiful.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland India Denmark Canada Germany Netherlands Taiwan Pakistan Norway France Romania United Kingdom Sweden


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