Statistics and meaning of name Gurguta
We have no records about Gurguta being used as firstname.
Surname Gurguta is used at least 81 times in at least 4 countries.
Given names
Ioan Gurguta (8) Maria Gurguta (7) Gheorghe Gurguta (7) Lucretia Gurguta (6) Eugen Gurguta (5) Vasile Gurguta (5) Neculai Gurguta (5) Eugenia Gurguta (3) Ion Gurguta (3) Melania Gurguta (2) Stefan Gurguta (2) Constantin Gurguta (2) Dumitru Gurguta (2) Aurelian Gurguta (1) Lucian Gurguta (1) Raluca Gurguta (1) Tincuta Gurguta (1) Marilena Gurguta (1) Eusebie Gurguta (1) Eugeniu Gurguta (1) Horia Gurguta (1) Ana Gurguta (1) Mihaela Gurguta (1) Cecilia Gurguta (1) Mihai Gurguta (1) |
Gurguta reversed is Atugrug
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Gruagtu Gurutag Guugatr Gugraut Uragtug
Misspells: Gurguto Gulguta Gurrguta Gurgutaa Gruguta Gurguat Gurgtua
Rhymes: pergola vertebra hyperbola
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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