Statistics and meaning of name Gurumoorthy

Usage: 35% firstname, 65% surname.
Gurumoorthy first name was found 104 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Gurumoorthy is used at least 192 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Gurumoorthy
Given names
Selvarajah Gurumoorthy (2)
Karthikeyan Gurumoorthy (2)
Nageswaran Gurumoorthy (2)
Subramaniam Gurumoorthy (1)
Tharmini Gurumoorthy (1)
Vijayaraman Gurumoorthy (1)
Soundararaja Gurumoorthy (1)
Anandhi Gurumoorthy (1)
Karthik Gurumoorthy (1)
Aishwarya Gurumoorthy (1)
Ganesh Gurumoorthy (1)

Given name Gurumoorthy
Family names
Gurumoorthy Soundararajan (1)
Gurumoorthy Raghupathy (1)
Gurumoorthy Polasa (1)
Gurumoorthy Ganeshkumar (1)

Surname Gurumoorthy in USA   

Gurumoorthy reversed is Yhtroomurug
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.

Anagrams: Urhorymougt Ortorguumhy
Misspells: Gulumoorthy Gurrumoorthy Gurumoorthi Gurumoorthya Gruumoorthy Gurumoortyh Gurumoorhty

Rhymes: Dorthy Galsworthy Horthy airworthy blameworthy newsworthy noteworthy humouredly

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States India Thailand United Kingdom Qatar Malaysia Australia


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