Statistics and meaning of name Gutasi
We have no records about Gutasi being used as firstname.
Surname Gutasi is used at least 22 times in at least 2 countries. (Hungary,Serbia)
Given names
Mihalj Gutasi (3) Janos Gutasi (3) Karolj Gutasi (2) Lajos Gutasi (1) Marina Gutasi (1) Laslo Gutasi (1) Miklos Gutasi (1) Vilmos Gutasi (1) Rudolf Gutasi (1) Jozef Gutasi (1) Caba Gutasi (1) Jozsef Gutasi (1) Ester Gutasi (1) Etel Gutasi (1) Istvan Gutasi (1) Ferenc Gutasi (1) Eva Gutasi (1) |
Gutasi reversed is Isatug
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ugatis Utaigs Gatsui Tgusai Utgais Gtusia Saigtu
Misspells: Gutosi Gutassi Gutasy Gutasj Gutase Gutasia Gtuasi Gutais Gutsai
Rhymes: Varanasi quasi colossi posse virtuosi fricassee
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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