Statistics and meaning of name Gutfelt

We have no records about Gutfelt being used as firstname.
Surname Gutfelt is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (Denmark,Sweden)
Name written with Chinese letters: 古特费尔特 (pinyin: gǔ té fèi ěr té)

Given names
Barbro Gutfelt (2)
Kirsten Gutfelt (2)
Diana Gutfelt (2)
Vivi Gutfelt (1)
Tove Gutfelt (1)
Eva Gutfelt (1)
Lars Gutfelt (1)
Ewa Gutfelt (1)
Tine Gutfelt (1)
Bengt Gutfelt (1)
Lasse Gutfelt (1)
Betty Gutfelt (1)
Anine Gutfelt (1)
Hardy Gutfelt (1)
John Gutfelt (1)
Anders Gutfelt (1)
Karen Gutfelt (1)
Lone Gutfelt (1)

Gutfelt reversed is Tleftug
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Gutfelta Gtufelt Gutfetl Gutflet

Rhymes: heartfelt felt Celt Frostbelt Roosevelt Rustbelt cutlet gusset sunbelt runlet punnet

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Denmark United States Sweden


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