Statistics and meaning of name Gwenno

Gwenno first name was found 39 times in 4 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Gwenno.
Gender of firstname Gwenno is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Gwenno
Family names
Gwenno Ifan (7)
Gwenno Hebert (3)
Gwenno Talfryn (3)
Gwenno Shalders (2)
Gwenno Hywel (2)
Gwenno Henley (2)
Gwenno Ffrancon (2)
Gwenno Priestland (1)
Gwenno Huws (1)
Gwenno Bowkley (1)
Gwenno Teifi (1)
Gwenno Ifans (1)
Gwenno Piette (1)
Gwenno Rolands (1)
Gwenno Llwyd (1)
Gwenno Hallet (1)
Gwenno Puw (1)
Gwenno Caffell (1)
Gwenno Brunelli (1)
Gwenno Dafydd (1)
Gwenno Massarelli (1)

Gwenno reversed is Onnewg
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Wenogn Gnenwo Wegnon Gewnon Nnogew
Misspells: Gvvenno Gwennoa Gewnno Gwenon

Rhymes: dunno steno memo demo supremo ghetto

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Canada Germany Japan Netherlands China Spain Europe


Famous people: Gwenno Mererid Saunders, Gwenno Teifi

Writers: Gwenno Hywyn, Gwenno Hughes, Gwenno Piette, Gwenno Caffell, Gwenno Ffrancon

Books: "Gwenno'r gwningen" "Antur Elin a Gwenno ar Lyn Tegid"

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