Statistics and meaning of name Habichler

We have no records about Habichler being used as firstname.
Surname Habichler is used at least 25 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Habichler
Given names
Helmut Habichler (2)
Monika Habichler (2)
Samira Habichler (1)
Ralph Habichler (1)
Sylvia Habichler (1)
Robert Habichler (1)
Werner Habichler (1)
Margarethe Habichler (1)
Raphael Habichler (1)
Walter Habichler (1)
Karl Habichler (1)
Petra Habichler (1)
Manuela Habichler (1)
Elfriede Habichler (1)
David Habichler (1)
Christine Habichler (1)
Erich Habichler (1)
Franz Habichler (1)
Josef Habichler (1)
Johann Habichler (1)
Friedrich Habichler (1)
Britta Habichler (1)

Surname Habichler in Austria   

Habichler reversed is Relhcibah
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Hobichler Habichlel Habichlerr Habychler Habjchler Habechler Habichlera Hbaichler Habichlre Habichelr

Rhymes: Mahler Adler Butler Chandler Chrysler Daimler Doppler clavicular radicular mandibular calorimeter totalisator

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Germany Thailand Europe


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