Statistics and meaning of name Hafsteinsdottir

We have no records about Hafsteinsdottir being used as firstname.
Surname Hafsteinsdottir is used at least 14 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Hafsteinsdottir
Given names
Linda Hafsteinsdottir (2)
Thorgerdur Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Thorunn Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Hera Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Ester Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Elisabeth Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Anna Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Birna Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Perla Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Sigrun Hafsteinsdottir (1)
Eyrun Hafsteinsdottir (1)

Surname Hafsteinsdottir in Norway   

Hafsteinsdottir reversed is Rittodsnietsfah
Name contains 15 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Hofsteinsdottir Hafsteinsdottil Hafsteinsdottirr Hafssteinsdottir Hafsteynsdottir Hafstejnsdottir Hafsteensdottir Hafsteinsdottira Hfasteinsdottir Hafsteinsdottri Hafsteinsdotitr

Rhymes: Finnbogadottir astir bestir stir saboteur amateur monseigneur restaurateur

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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