Statistics and meaning of name Hahessy
We have no records about Hahessy being used as firstname.
Surname Hahessy is used at least 34 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 黑伊西 (pinyin: hēi yī xī)
Given names
Jonathan Hahessy (3) Stephen Hahessy (2) Elizabeth Hahessy (2) Gillian Hahessy (2) Kate Hahessy (1) Jon Hahessy (1) Melody Hahessy (1) Patrick Hahessy (1) Thomas Hahessy (1) Alison Hahessy (1) Christine Hahessy (1) Jane Hahessy (1) Edmund Hahessy (1) Dana Hahessy (1) Elaine Hahessy (1) Ciaran Hahessy (1) Hansranie Hahessy (1) Aine Hahessy (1) Claire Hahessy (1) |
Hahessy reversed is Yssehah
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Eshasyh Esahysh Haehyss Syhehsa Yahhess Ysasheh Sysheha Eshyhas
Misspells: Hohessy Hahesssy Hahessi Hahessya Hhaessy Hahesys
Rhymes: dressy messy Debussy Missy bossy brassy classy heavy fleshy levy
Meaning of this name is unknown.
P Hahessy says: The name is Irish O hAitheasa originates East Galway ?North Tipperary and derives from the word aitheasach ,meaning victorious
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