Statistics and meaning of name Halalai
We have no records about Halalai being used as firstname.
Surname Halalai is used at least 102 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 哈拉拉伊 (pinyin: hā lā lā yī)
Given names
Maria Halalai (7) Ioan Halalai (7) Cornelia Halalai (5) Gheorghe Halalai (4) Partenie Halalai (4) Dumitru Halalai (4) Cornel Halalai (4) Vasile Halalai (4) Marian Halalai (3) Mircea Halalai (3) Eugenia Halalai (3) Livia Halalai (2) Valeria Halalai (2) Teodor Halalai (2) Niculina Halalai (2) Tasiea Halalai (2) Iuliu Halalai (2) Florian Halalai (2) Elena Halalai (2) Gabriel Halalai (2) Elisabeta Halalai (2) Isidor Halalai (2) Dionisie Halalai (1) Danut Halalai (1) Camelia Halalai (1) Zina Halalai (1) Aurelia Halalai (1) Sofia Halalai (1) Petru Halalai (1) Luci Halalai (1) Lucian Halalai (1) Floarea Halalai (1) Anica Halalai (1) Lucretia Halalai (1) Silvia Halalai (1) |
Halalai reversed is Ialalah
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Alahial Haalila Lilahaa Iahlaal Ailhala Aahilal
Misspells: Holalai Halalay Halalaj Halalae Halalaia Hlaalai Halalia Halaali
Rhymes: Kublai Nikolai melee waylay railway laissez straightway
Meaning of name Halalai is: from the word 'halalae' = 'noise'
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