Statistics and meaning of name Havrevold

We have no records about Havrevold being used as firstname.
Surname Havrevold is used at least 26 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Norway)
Name written with Chinese letters: 哈夫勒沃尔 (pinyin: hā fū lè wò ěr)

Given names
Lars Havrevold (2)
Kaia Havrevold (2)
Mette Havrevold (1)
Lise Havrevold (1)
Nils Havrevold (1)
Svein Havrevold (1)
Vilde Havrevold (1)
Tone Havrevold (1)
Lene Havrevold (1)
Anja Havrevold (1)
Grete Havrevold (1)
Eva Havrevold (1)
Gunnar Havrevold (1)
Ingvild Havrevold (1)
Anita Havrevold (1)
Jon Havrevold (1)
Anne Havrevold (1)

Surname Havrevold in Norway   Surname Havrevold in USA   

Havrevold reversed is Dlovervah
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Hovrevold Havlevold Havrrevold Habrevold Havrevolda Hvarevold Havrevodl Havrevlod

Rhymes: Arnold Cotswold Hammarskjold Harold Jerold Jerrold Leopold threshold narrowed bellowed tenfold mellowed

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Norway United Kingdom Thailand Europe Canada


Writers: Finn Havrevold

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