Statistics and meaning of name Hedgecoe

We have no records about Hedgecoe being used as firstname.
Surname Hedgecoe is used at least 68 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Hedgecoe
Given names
John Hedgecoe (3)
Adam Hedgecoe (3)
Sheridan Hedgecoe (2)
Mark Hedgecoe (2)
Michael Hedgecoe (2)
Sally Hedgecoe (2)
Giles Hedgecoe (2)
Auberon Hedgecoe (2)
Emily Hedgecoe (2)
Emma Hedgecoe (2)
Susan Hedgecoe (2)
Pamela Hedgecoe (1)
Sophie Hedgecoe (1)
Matthew Hedgecoe (1)
Roger Hedgecoe (1)
Lucinda Hedgecoe (1)
Jennifer Hedgecoe (1)
Jenifer Hedgecoe (1)
Jonathan Hedgecoe (1)
Julia Hedgecoe (1)
Lynn Hedgecoe (1)
Georgia Hedgecoe (1)
Mary Hedgecoe (1)

Surname Hedgecoe in USA   

Hedgecoe reversed is Eocegdeh
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Eedohgec Eegocdeh
Misspells: Hedgecoea Hdegecoe Hedgeceo Hedgeoce

Rhymes: Roscoe fellow echo fresco vero ferro

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Imogen Dolly Hedgecoe says: there are more than you have. there is me and my nephews and niece. Tabitha Hedgecoe, Alexander Hedgecoe and Barney hedgecoe

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom France Australia Canada Spain Argentina Chile Denmark Serbia Russian Federation


Famous people: John Hedgecoe

Writers: Adam Hedgecoe, Julia Hedgecoe, Sebastian Hedgecoe, John Hedgecoe's, John Hedgecoe

Books: "John Hedgecoe's Nude photography" "John Hedgecoe's Darkroom Techniques" "John Hedgecoes Nude Photograph"

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