Statistics and meaning of name Herlofson

We have no records about Herlofson being used as firstname.
Surname Herlofson is used at least 62 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 赫洛夫松 (pinyin: hè Luò fū sōng)

      Surname Herlofson
Given names
Nicolai Herlofson (3)
Peter Herlofson (2)
Karen Herlofson (2)
Erica Herlofson (2)
Christian Herlofson (2)
Anne Herlofson (2)
Jorgen Herlofson (2)
Netice Herlofson (1)
Mette Herlofson (1)
Mathilde Herlofson (1)
Nicoline Herlofson (1)
Ronnaug Herlofson (1)
Lorna Herlofson (1)
Frida Herlofson (1)
Oscar Herlofson (1)
Vibeke Herlofson (1)
Katharina Herlofson (1)
Cato Herlofson (1)
Cecilie Herlofson (1)
Caroline Herlofson (1)
Bente Herlofson (1)
Astrid Herlofson (1)
Fredrik Herlofson (1)
Gro Herlofson (1)
Grace Herlofson (1)
Laila Herlofson (1)
Ida Herlofson (1)
Helen Herlofson (1)
Hans Herlofson (1)
Linda Herlofson (1)

Surname Herlofson in Norway   Surname Herlofson in USA   

Herlofson reversed is Nosfolreh
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Hellofson Herrlofson Herlofsson Herlofsona Hrelofson Herlofsno Herlofosn

Rhymes: Abelson Acheson Addison Alison Allison Allyson Alyson merchantman

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Norway Thailand Germany Sweden Canada Europe Brazil Australia


Famous people: Charles Herlofson, Harald Herlofson

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