Statistics and meaning of name Hersich

We have no records about Hersich being used as firstname.
Surname Hersich is used at least 10 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,Austria)

Given names
Johann Hersich (1)
Richard Hersich (1)
Tanja Hersich (1)
Hilde Hersich (1)
Dorothea Hersich (1)
Anneliese Hersich (1)
Brigitte Hersich (1)
Dorothe Hersich (1)
Elio Hersich (1)

Surname Hersich in Austria   

Hersich reversed is Hcisreh
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Helsich Herrsich Herssich Hersych Hersjch Hersech Hersicha Hresich Hersihc Herscih

Rhymes: Dietrich Ehrlich Erich Gingrich Goodrich Greenwich Heimlich sick thick stick sic sich

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Sasa Horzic says: would be glad to help, yes, I know something about this familly surname...:) Gotic peopple from north white croatia, part of poland, slovakia, where crussaders, chatolic wariors for west, pope, my familly very stubern males, wild, bad reaction on alchohol, still they like it, wee like cheese salt pie, turkey roasted, bad liers...mostly, males where army soldiers and officers....Im still name now is Horžić, slavenic croatian....;)

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