Statistics and meaning of name Hierholtz
We have no records about Hierholtz being used as firstname.
Surname Hierholtz is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Switzerland)
Given names
Roseline Hierholtz (1) Jacques Hierholtz (1) Pierre Hierholtz (1) Eric Hierholtz (1) Philippe Hierholtz (1) Francoise Hierholtz (1) Bernard Hierholtz (1) Anne Hierholtz (1) Ludovic Hierholtz (1) Corinne Hierholtz (1) Noemie Hierholtz (1) Roland Hierholtz (1) Tony Hierholtz (1) Alice Hierholtz (1) |
Hierholtz reversed is Ztlohreih
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Misspells: Hielholtz Hierrholtz Hyerholtz Hjerholtz Heerholtz Hierholtza Heirholtz Hierholzt Hierhotlz
Rhymes: Helmholtz Schultz schmaltz waltz volts revolts bolts colts jolts
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Hierholtz Robert says: Hierholtz is an alsacian name for "woodcutter". It is equivalent to "Heave-Ho!" or "Ho-Hisse" in French
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