Statistics and meaning of name Hillie

Usage: 51% firstname, 49% surname.
Hillie first name was found 231 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Hillie is used at least 217 times in at least 7 countries.
Gender of firstname Hillie is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 希利 (pinyin: xī lì)

      Surname Hillie
Given names
Louise Hillie (2)
Horst Hillie (1)
Sven Hillie (1)
Thomas Hillie (1)
Hayo Hillie (1)
Elisabeth Hillie (1)
Brigitte Hillie (1)
Caronlin Hillie (1)
Katherine Hillie (1)

Given name Hillie
Family names
Hillie Jortoft (1)
Hillie Paulsson (1)
Hillie Barak (1)
Hillie Postma (1)
Hillie Monk (1)
Hillie Bhattacharya (1)
Hillie Wells (1)

Surname Hillie in Germany   Surname Hillie in USA   

Hillie reversed is Eillih
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Illehi Eililh Lhiile Lelhii Ilehli Ilhiel
Misspells: Hyllie Hjllie Hellie Hilliea Hlilie Hillei Hilile

Rhymes: Billie Lillie Millie Willie Allie Callie silly hilly villi filly really

Meaning of name Hillie is: Variant form of Hilla
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Germany France Brazil Ireland South Africa Morocco


Famous people: Verna Hillie, Hillie Molenaar

Writers: Hillie Smit

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