Statistics and meaning of name Hirghidus

We have no records about Hirghidus being used as firstname.
Surname Hirghidus is used at least 7 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Hungarian.

Given names
Gheorghe Hirghidus (2)
Virginia Hirghidus (1)
Stefan Hirghidus (1)
Ion Hirghidus (1)
Gheorghita Hirghidus (1)

Hirghidus reversed is Sudihgrih
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Hsigduirh Sduhhigir
Misspells: Hilghidus Hirrghidus Hirghiduss Hyrghidus Hjrghidus Herghidus Hirghidusa Hrighidus Hirghidsu Hirghiuds

Rhymes: Lepidus Miaplacidus Exodus Hindus Indus verdigris

Meaning of name Hirghidus is: from the Hungarian word 'ergetyus' = '1. armour, 2. carapace'; Hirghiduş
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania

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Old Wiki
Name: Hirghidus
Language: Romanian
Origin: Hungarian
Meaning: from the Hungarian word ergetyus = 1. armour, 2. carapace
Comments: Hirghiduş

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