Statistics and meaning of name Hirlea

We have no records about Hirlea being used as firstname.
Surname Hirlea is used at least 88 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Hirlea (7)
Vasile Hirlea (7)
Ioan Hirlea (5)
Constantin Hirlea (5)
Aurel Hirlea (5)
Maria Hirlea (4)
Lucian Hirlea (3)
Neculai Hirlea (2)
Valentin Hirlea (2)
Zaharie Hirlea (2)
Viorica Hirlea (2)
Lica Hirlea (2)
Rodica Hirlea (2)
Nelu Hirlea (2)
Ion Hirlea (2)
Ermil Hirlea (2)
Dumitru Hirlea (2)
Grigore Hirlea (2)
Filareta Hirlea (2)
Alexandru Hirlea (2)
Ilie Hirlea (2)
Damian Hirlea (1)
Aurelian Hirlea (1)
Mariea Hirlea (1)
Elena Hirlea (1)
Petru Hirlea (1)
Marioara Hirlea (1)
Lixandra Hirlea (1)

Hirlea reversed is Aelrih
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Irlahe Ailerh Rhiela Larhei Elahri Irheal
Misspells: Hirleo Hillea Hirrlea Hyrlea Hjrlea Herlea Hirleaa Hrilea Hirlae Hirela

Rhymes: azalea cochlea flea lea mausolea plea hernia herniae suburbia hypothermia hyperthermia

Meaning of name Hirlea is: from the word 'hârlă' = 'sow' plus the suffix '-ea' ; see also the Bulgarian name [Harlev]; Hîrlea
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Old Wiki
Name: Hirlea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word hârlă = sow plus the suffix -ea  ; see also the Bulgarian name Harlev
Comments: Hîrlea

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