Statistics and meaning of name Hirtopeanu

We have no records about Hirtopeanu being used as firstname.
Surname Hirtopeanu is used at least 56 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Hirtopeanu (4)
Stefan Hirtopeanu (4)
Mihai Hirtopeanu (4)
Vasile Hirtopeanu (3)
Aurel Hirtopeanu (3)
Petru Hirtopeanu (3)
Maria Hirtopeanu (2)
Neculai Hirtopeanu (2)
Rodica Hirtopeanu (2)
Petruta Hirtopeanu (2)
Viorel Hirtopeanu (2)
Aurora Hirtopeanu (2)
Verginia Hirtopeanu (2)
Mircea Hirtopeanu (1)
Nicusor Hirtopeanu (1)
Nicolae Hirtopeanu (1)
Marin Hirtopeanu (1)
Gheorghita Hirtopeanu (1)
Elena Hirtopeanu (1)
Dan Hirtopeanu (1)
Constantin Hirtopeanu (1)
Ilie Hirtopeanu (1)
Ionel Hirtopeanu (1)
Lucretia Hirtopeanu (1)
Lucica Hirtopeanu (1)
Irina Hirtopeanu (1)
Marius Hirtopeanu (1)

Hirtopeanu reversed is Unaepotrih
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Toihepnuar
Misspells: Hirtopeonu Hiltopeanu Hirrtopeanu Hyrtopeanu Hjrtopeanu Hertopeanu Hirtopeanua Hritopeanu Hirtopeaun Hirtopenau

Rhymes: spiritu espiritu tliou bijou bijoux

Meaning of name Hirtopeanu is: from the toponymic names 'Hârtopul' , 'Hârtoapele' or from the name [Hârtop]; Hîrtopeanu
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Old Wiki
Name: Hirtopeanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic names Hârtopul , Hârtoapele or from the name Hârtop
Comments: Hîrtopeanu

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