Statistics and meaning of name Hlades

We have no records about Hlades being used as firstname.
Surname Hlades is used at least 5 times in at least 1 countries. (Poland)
Origin of this name is Ukrainian.

Given names
Jerzy Hlades (1)
Janina Hlades (1)
Halina Hlades (1)
Barbara Hlades (1)
Aniela Hlades (1)

Surname Hlades in Poland   

Hlades reversed is Sedalh
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Hdaels Ahleds Dsahel Halesd Lahesd
Misspells: Hlodes Hladess Hladesa Haldes Hladse Hlaeds

Rhymes: Cyclades Everglades Rollerblades accolades blades everglades fusillades grades trades raids spades

Meaning of name Hlades is: from the name [Hladii] plus the suffix '-eş' or from the Ukrainian word 'gladis' = 'egg'; Hladeş
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Old Wiki
Name: Hlades
Language: Romanian
Origin: Ukrainian
Meaning: from the name Hladii plus the suffix -eş or from the Ukrainian word gladis = egg
Comments: Hladeş

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