Statistics and meaning of name Hoaghea
We have no records about Hoaghea being used as firstname.
Surname Hoaghea is used at least 41 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Given names
Maria Hoaghea (5) Nicolae Hoaghea (4) Gheorghe Hoaghea (4) Ion Hoaghea (3) Petru Hoaghea (3) Elena Hoaghea (3) Corina Hoaghea (2) Cornel Hoaghea (2) Dumitru Hoaghea (2) Serghiu Hoaghea (1) Teofil Hoaghea (1) Vasilica Hoaghea (1) Viorel Hoaghea (1) Toma Hoaghea (1) Luminita Hoaghea (1) Daniela Hoaghea (1) George Hoaghea (1) Benamin Hoaghea (1) Aurel Hoaghea (1) Alexandru Hoaghea (1) |
Hoaghea reversed is Aehgaoh
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Hogaahe Haagheo Aohageh
Misspells: Hooghea Hoagheaa Haoghea Hoaghae Hoageha
Rhymes: Althea Dorothea Kampuchea Rhea Shea Thea diarrhea phobia myopia elodea utopia dystonia
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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