Statistics and meaning of name Hofmeyr

We have no records about Hofmeyr being used as firstname.
Surname Hofmeyr is used at least 91 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 霍夫迈尔 (pinyin: huò fū mài ěr)

      Surname Hofmeyr
Given names
David Hofmeyr (4)
Jan Hofmeyr (4)
Nicholas Hofmeyr (3)
Michael Hofmeyr (3)
Kenneth Hofmeyr (2)
Paul Hofmeyr (2)
Timothy Hofmeyr (2)
Rebecca Hofmeyr (2)
John Hofmeyr (2)
Annelies Hofmeyr (1)
Sarah Hofmeyr (1)
Audrey Hofmeyr (1)
Benda Hofmeyr (1)
Monika Hofmeyr (1)
Stephanie Hofmeyr (1)
Stephen Hofmeyr (1)
William Hofmeyr (1)
Willem Hofmeyr (1)
Trudy Hofmeyr (1)
Ana Hofmeyr (1)
Caroline Hofmeyr (1)
Martha Hofmeyr (1)
Janet Hofmeyr (1)
Craig Hofmeyr (1)
Hester Hofmeyr (1)
Heather Hofmeyr (1)
Francois Hofmeyr (1)
Johannes Hofmeyr (1)
Adri Hofmeyr (1)
Leigh Hofmeyr (1)
Charl Hofmeyr (1)
Katherine Hofmeyr (1)
Kate Hofmeyr (1)
Dianne Hofmeyr (1)

Hofmeyr reversed is Ryemfoh
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Hformye Mefoyrh Meohryf
Misspells: Hofmeyl Hofmeyrr Hofmeir Hofmeyra Hfomeyr Hofmery Hofmyer

Rhymes: far var har tsar czar

Meaning of this name is unknown.

William Hofmeyr says: Use of Hofmeyr as a firstname: William Hofmeyr Craib

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States South Africa United Kingdom Australia Canada Germany Switzerland New Zealand Spain Europe Sweden Japan Ireland Turkey Ukraine France Thailand


Famous people: Steve Hofmeyr, Hendrik Pienaar Hofmeyr

Writers: Lourencia Hofmeyr, Gys Hofmeyr, Diane Hofmeyr, George Hofmeyr, Annie Hofmeyr, Steve Hofmeyr, Linda Hofmeyr, Benda Hofmeyr, Leoni Hofmeyr, Bremer Hofmeyr, Isabel Hofmeyr, Dianne Hofmeyr, Justus Hofmeyr, Robynn Hofmeyr, Gysbert Ritz Hofmeyr, Bärbel E. Hofmeyr, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr, W. Louw Hofmeyr, Agnes Leakey Hofmeyr, Elisabet J. M. Hofmeyr

Books: "Hofmeyr" "The J. H. Hofmeyr papers"

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