Statistics and meaning of name Hoftijzer

We have no records about Hoftijzer being used as firstname.
Surname Hoftijzer is used at least 86 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Hoftijzer
Given names
Saskia Hoftijzer (1)
Jan Hoftijzer (1)
Laurens Hoftijzer (1)
Rudolf Hoftijzer (1)
Mathijs Hoftijzer (1)
Jacqueline Hoftijzer (1)
Lisa Hoftijzer (1)
Armand Hoftijzer (1)

Surname Hoftijzer in Netherlands   

Hoftijzer reversed is Rezjitfoh
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Hoftijzel Hoftijzerr Hoftyjzer Hoftjjzer Hoftiizer Hoftejzer Hoftijzera Hfotijzer Hoftijzre Hoftijezr

Rhymes: Ebeneezer Pfizer Pulitzer Schnauzer Schweitzer Wurlitzer analyzer appeaser pastier procedure speaker receiver

Meaning of this name is unknown.

PAUL HOFTIJZER says: the name hoftijzer is original from the east of Holland ) Gelderland' NEAR THE GERMAN BORDER. Hof part eans an important house or castle loo is always wood and ijzer means iron. All people with the naen hoftijzer are related and failie of the Lord of that old house or castle.
paul hoftijzer says: In the east of Gelderland ( Holland) near the Geran Border is a sall place called IJZERLO . Ther was an important house or castle. Hoftijzer means therefor `the house-estate in IJZERLO`.
Gerrie Hoftijzer says: Hoftijzer komt van " hof te IJzerlo". IJZERLO is een buurtschap van Aalten.

This page has been visited from the following countries: Netherlands United States United Kingdom Spain Canada Germany Sweden Europe Thailand Australia Ukraine Brazil Saudi Arabia


Writers: J. Hoftijzer, Margo Hoftijzer, Paul G. Hoftijzer

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