Statistics and meaning of name Hogefeld

We have no records about Hogefeld being used as firstname.
Surname Hogefeld is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (Germany,Norway)

Given names
Vivian Hogefeld (2)
Tim Hogefeld (1)
Thomas Hogefeld (1)
Werner Hogefeld (1)
Rita Hogefeld (1)
Sofie Hogefeld (1)
Rainer Hogefeld (1)
Line Hogefeld (1)
Otto Hogefeld (1)
Ellen Hogefeld (1)
Anja Hogefeld (1)
Formbleche Hogefeld (1)
Heinz Hogefeld (1)
Ludwig Hogefeld (1)
Juliane Hogefeld (1)
Alfons Hogefeld (1)

Surname Hogefeld in Germany   Surname Hogefeld in Norway   

Hogefeld reversed is Dlefegoh
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Lgeefodh Logdeehf Lohgeedf Efheglod
Misspells: Hogefelda Hgoefeld Hogefedl Hogefled

Rhymes: Seinfeld Ziegfeld Bakersfield Bloomfield Chesterfield Copperfield Dangerfield hothead towelled hotbed fathead pothead

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Hofeldt says: Alike my surname the name could origin from a "hoge feld" (Low German for "hohes feld") meaning a field on a higher place.
Ingo Hofeldt says: There is a place on the isle of Fehmarn, where many Hofeldts have there origin. This place is called Hochfeld in German. There was a windmill and it could be one of the origins of the surname. Many surnames contained the profession and the name of the origin. For example. Hans, Müller vom Hochfeld. (Hans Miller of Hochfeld). Some kept their profession as surname, some their origin

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