Statistics and meaning of name Hoitan
We have no records about Hoitan being used as firstname.
Surname Hoitan is used at least 56 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Constantin Hoitan (4) Gheorghe Hoitan (4) Ion Hoitan (3) Mihai Hoitan (3) Elena Hoitan (3) Viorica Hoitan (3) Corneliu Hoitan (2) Cornelia Hoitan (2) Titi Hoitan (2) Maria Hoitan (2) Liviu Hoitan (2) Doina Hoitan (2) Marilena Hoitan (1) Sorin Hoitan (1) Vasile Hoitan (1) Mihail Hoitan (1) Ileana Hoitan (1) Dorel Hoitan (1) Alexandrina Hoitan (1) Emil Hoitan (1) Florentina Hoitan (1) Bogdan Hoitan (1) Adrian Hoitan (1) Irina Hoitan (1) |
Hoitan reversed is Natioh
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ohtina Notaih Ihoatn Tnihao Oihant
Misspells: Hoiton Hoytan Hojtan Hoetan Hoitana Hiotan Hoitna Hoiatn
Rhymes: Neapolitan Puritan Samaritan Titan cosmopolitan metropolitan puritan hoyden deutschen poison moisten besoin
Meaning of name Hoitan is: from the word 'hoit' = 'carcass' plus the augmentative suffix '-an'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Hoitan Language: Romanian Meaning: from the word hoit = carcass plus the augmentative suffix -an Comments: |
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