Statistics and meaning of name Holburt

We have no records about Holburt being used as firstname.
Surname Holburt is used at least 74 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 霍尔伯特 (pinyin: huò ěr bó té)

      Surname Holburt
Given names
Bruce Holburt (3)
James Holburt (3)
John Holburt (3)
Michelle Holburt (3)
Keith Holburt (2)
Doreen Holburt (2)
Edna Holburt (2)
Geoffrey Holburt (2)
Emma Holburt (2)
Jeanette Holburt (2)
Charles Holburt (2)
Joanne Holburt (2)
Jane Holburt (2)
Jonathan Holburt (2)
Michael Holburt (2)
Maria Holburt (2)
Karen Holburt (1)
Kevin Holburt (1)
Margaret Holburt (1)
Sam Holburt (1)
Lisa Holburt (1)
Leslie Holburt (1)
Leah Holburt (1)
Kathlyn Holburt (1)
Glen Holburt (1)
Anthony Holburt (1)
Ben Holburt (1)
Ann Holburt (1)
Andrew Holburt (1)
Alison Holburt (1)
Amy Holburt (1)
Caron Holburt (1)
Christopher Holburt (1)
Alexandra Holburt (1)
Harold Holburt (1)
Gareth Holburt (1)
Elaine Holburt (1)
David Holburt (1)
Dorothy Holburt (1)
Irene Holburt (1)

Surname Holburt in USA   

Holburt reversed is Trubloh
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Holbult Holburrt Holburta Hloburt Holbutr Holbrut

Rhymes: Burt Curt Frankfurt Kurt blurt court curt shouldered smoldered smouldered mouldered moldered

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Greece


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