Statistics and meaning of name Hollensted

We have no records about Hollensted being used as firstname.
Surname Hollensted is used at least 28 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Hollensted
Given names
Charlotte Hollensted (2)
Mette Hollensted (2)
Sussi Hollensted (2)
Nichlas Hollensted (2)
Alex Hollensted (2)
Mogens Hollensted (1)
Randi Hollensted (1)
Didde Hollensted (1)
Rene Hollensted (1)
Max Hollensted (1)
Poul Hollensted (1)
Joan Hollensted (1)
Bjarne Hollensted (1)
Bente Hollensted (1)
Bendt Hollensted (1)
David Hollensted (1)
Gitte Hollensted (1)
Jane Hollensted (1)
Inge Hollensted (1)
Holger Hollensted (1)
Lars Hollensted (1)

Hollensted reversed is Detsnelloh
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Hollenssted Hollensteda Hlolensted Hollenstde Hollensetd

Rhymes: Oersted Olmsted accosted adjusted afforested arrested assisted

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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