Statistics and meaning of name Hollingdal

We have no records about Hollingdal being used as firstname.
Surname Hollingdal is used at least 7 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Denmark)

Given names
Torben Hollingdal (1)
Ulrik Hollingdal (1)
Malene Hollingdal (1)
Jesper Hollingdal (1)
Betina Hollingdal (1)
Janne Hollingdal (1)
Esther Hollingdal (1)

Hollingdal reversed is Ladgnilloh
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Hollingdol Hollyngdal Holljngdal Hollengdal Hollingdala Hlolingdal Hollingdla Hollingadl

Rhymes: Myrdal Randal Vandal Vidal adenoidal backpedal bipedal hospital logical conical comical optical

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Denmark United States Thailand Germany

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