Statistics and meaning of name Holmborg

We have no records about Holmborg being used as firstname.
Surname Holmborg is used at least 27 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 霍尔姆堡 (pinyin: huò ěr mǔ bǎo)

      Surname Holmborg
Given names
Jonas Holmborg (2)
Elisabeth Holmborg (2)
Patrik Holmborg (1)
Liv Holmborg (1)
Martina Holmborg (1)
Kjell Holmborg (1)
Mikaela Holmborg (1)
Jorgen Holmborg (1)
Anders Holmborg (1)
Brita Holmborg (1)
Elli Holmborg (1)
Fredrik Holmborg (1)
Kenneth Holmborg (1)

Holmborg reversed is Grobmloh
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Holmbolg Holmborrg Holmborga Hlomborg Holmbogr Holmbrog

Rhymes: Göteborg Seaborg Swedenborg Borg vogue rogue brogue drogue prorogue

Meaning of name Holmborg is: Old Swedish name
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden Thailand

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