Statistics and meaning of name Holtes

We have no records about Holtes being used as firstname.
Surname Holtes is used at least 21 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 霍尔特斯 (pinyin: huò ěr té sī)

      Surname Holtes
Given names
Anneka Holtes (2)
Susanna Holtes (2)
Morag Holtes (2)
Hendrikus Holtes (2)
Dion Holtes (2)
Sonja Holtes (1)
Stellan Holtes (1)
Ruben Holtes (1)
Stephan Holtes (1)
Philip Holtes (1)
Derk Holtes (1)
Eva Holtes (1)

Surname Holtes in Netherlands   

Holtes reversed is Setloh
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Sotelh Lhoets Hloest Olhest
Misspells: Holtess Holtesa Hlotes Holtse Holets

Rhymes: Atlantes Bates Boötes Cervantes Confederates Cortes Descartes volts bolts colts jolts dolts

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Sweden Saudi Arabia Hong Kong United Kingdom


Famous people: Geir Holte, Knut Holte, Johan Berthin Holte, Lars Petter Holte, Anders Nikolai Holte, Hans Christian Holte

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