Statistics and meaning of name Holubcik
We have no records about Holubcik being used as firstname.
Surname Holubcik is used at least 29 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Vladimir Holubcik (3) Jozef Holubcik (3) Frantisek Holubcik (3) Pavol Holubcik (3) Vendelin Holubcik (2) Jan Holubcik (2) Rudolf Holubcik (1) Jaroslav Holubcik (1) Peter Holubcik (1) Lubomir Holubcik (1) Emil Holubcik (1) Silvester Holubcik (1) Miroslava Holubcik (1) Blazej Holubcik (1) Dominik Holubcik (1) Dusan Holubcik (1) Marcel Holubcik (1) |
Holubcik reversed is Kicbuloh
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Uhlokbic Ilucbokh Bolihukc Kbolihcu Lcobihku
Misspells: Holubcyk Holubcjk Holubcek Holubcika Hloubcik Holubcki Holubick
Rhymes: vocalic intervocalic thrombocytopenic
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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