Statistics and meaning of name Homolla

We have no records about Homolla being used as firstname.
Surname Homolla is used at least 33 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Homolla
Given names
Norbert Homolla (3)
Daniel Homolla (3)
Gudrun Homolla (1)
Gerhard Homolla (1)
Erna Homolla (1)
Stefan Homolla (1)
Willi Homolla (1)
Wilfried Homolla (1)
Werner Homolla (1)
Christine Homolla (1)
Wolfgang Homolla (1)
Walter Homolla (1)
Richard Homolla (1)
Agnes Homolla (1)
Bernd Homolla (1)
Burkhard Homolla (1)
Brigitte Homolla (1)
Johanna Homolla (1)

Surname Homolla in Germany   Surname Homolla in USA   

Homolla reversed is Allomoh
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Olmolah Olohalm Hoomall Lamohlo Aohmoll Alolmoh Lalhomo Olhamol
Misspells: Homollo Homollaa Hmoolla Homolal

Rhymes: corolla Anguilla Ascella Barbarella Barranquilla Bella Camilla papilla mullah medulla kola bandanna

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Hungary Austria Italy


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