Statistics and meaning of name Hooghiemstra

We have no records about Hooghiemstra being used as firstname.
Surname Hooghiemstra is used at least 126 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Hooghiemstra
Given names
Mark Hooghiemstra (3)
Johannes Hooghiemstra (2)
Joannes Hooghiemstra (1)
Jeannette Hooghiemstra (1)
Martinus Hooghiemstra (1)
Monique Hooghiemstra (1)
Tjerk Hooghiemstra (1)
Steven Hooghiemstra (1)
Grant Hooghiemstra (1)
Lauren Hooghiemstra (1)
Janice Hooghiemstra (1)
Lorna Hooghiemstra (1)
Margriet Hooghiemstra (1)
Helen Hooghiemstra (1)
Patricia Hooghiemstra (1)

Surname Hooghiemstra in Netherlands   

Hooghiemstra reversed is Artsmeihgooh
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Hgohatismoer Sahigmohtore
Misspells: Hooghiemstro Hooghiemstla Hooghiemstrra Hooghiemsstra Hooghyemstra Hooghjemstra Hoogheemstra Hooghiemstraa Hooghiemstar Hooghiemsrta

Rhymes: Clytemnestra Dijkstra orchestra rostra fajita edema meta prima urethra

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Frits Hooghiemstra says: You should add at least 100 in South Africa to be accurate
Jos Hooghiemstra says: Ik heb vernomen dat de naam Hooghiemstra komt van een boerderij in de buurt van Grouw die "It Hege Hiem" heette.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands United Kingdom South Africa Australia Germany Sweden Ireland Europe France


Writers: Henry Hooghiemstra

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