Statistics and meaning of name Hopstaken

We have no records about Hopstaken being used as firstname.
Surname Hopstaken is used at least 126 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Hopstaken
Given names
Britt Hopstaken (2)
Louis Hopstaken (1)
Petrus Hopstaken (1)

Surname Hopstaken in USA   

Hopstaken reversed is Nekatspoh
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Tnoskeaph Nkethasop
Misspells: Hopstoken Hopsstaken Hopstakena Hpostaken Hopstakne Hopstaekn

Rhymes: betaken mistaken overtaken partaken retaken taken undertaken bacon forsaken

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Joep Hopstaken says: meaning: the name is refering to the stakes used for growing the hop in the hopyards
Steven Hopstaken says: A "Hopstaken" was a large rack placed over a fire to dry hops, a "Hop Staken." Later Hopstaken's were used to dry tobbaco leaves, so you will often see the name associated with tabbaco shops.
Rick Hopstaken says: the meaning of the name Hopstaken. Hop is a plant (where among others beer is made from). They grow on sticks. In Dutch that means a staak. So, Hopstaken is a combination of the plant (Hop) and sticks(staken)

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Writers: Rogier Hopstaken

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