Statistics and meaning of name Houyel

We have no records about Houyel being used as firstname.
Surname Houyel is used at least 9 times in at least 1 countries. (France)

Given names
Thierry Houyel (1)
Claude Houyel (1)
Laurent Houyel (1)
Laurence Houyel (1)
Christine Houyel (1)
Lucile Houyel (1)
Tristan Houyel (1)
Claire Houyel (1)

Surname Houyel in France   

Houyel reversed is Leyuoh
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Ohyule Ouhyle Yluheo Eylhuo Ouhely
Misspells: Houiel Houyela Huoyel Houyle Houeyl

Rhymes: royal loyal disloyal joyful choroidal

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand

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