Statistics and meaning of name Hovestad

We have no records about Hovestad being used as firstname.
Surname Hovestad is used at least 86 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Hovestad
Given names
Karen Hovestad (1)
Desiree Hovestad (1)
Willem Hovestad (1)
Ron Hovestad (1)
Peter Hovestad (1)
Arthur Hovestad (1)
Linda Hovestad (1)
Adrian Hovestad (1)
Martin Hovestad (1)

Surname Hovestad in Netherlands   

Hovestad reversed is Datsevoh
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Ehvodsat Avetsodh Sovahedt Dsovahte Vtosahde
Misspells: Hovestod Hovesstad Hobestad Hovestada Hvoestad Hovestda Hovesatd

Rhymes: Oranjestad Willemstad tad subtotaled subtotalled discomfited

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Adrian hovestad says: I was told by a Norewegen friend that he lived at a place where the Vikings made offerings before they went to war. These places were called Hovestad translated " Offering place" Part of the name " Stad" is place or city. So, the name Hovestad has a meaning of " Offering place'

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Writers: Karen Eleanor Hovestad

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