Statistics and meaning of name Hubbuch

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Hubbuch first name was found 7 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Hubbuch is used at least 207 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 胡布赫 (pinyin: hú bù hè)

      Surname Hubbuch
Given names
Heinz Hubbuch (2)
Heiner Hubbuch (2)
Rosmarie Hubbuch (1)
Elsa Hubbuch (1)
Beatrice Hubbuch (1)
Marina Hubbuch (1)

Surname Hubbuch in Switzerland   Surname Hubbuch in USA   

Hubbuch reversed is Hcubbuh
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Hubbucha Hbubuch Hubbuhc Hubbcuh

Rhymes: Baruch Pentateuch Scaramouch couch crouch debauch eunuch stuck sawbuck struck duck buck

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Germany Canada Italy Japan United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Australia France Finland Netherlands Ireland Iran


Famous people: Karl Hubbuch

Writers: Doug Hubbuch, Karl Hubbuch, Jocelyn Robinson-Hubbuch, Susan M. Hubbuch

Books: "Karl Hubbuch, 1891-1979"

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