Statistics and meaning of name Hugall

We have no records about Hugall being used as firstname.
Surname Hugall is used at least 114 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Hugall
Given names
James Hugall (6)
David Hugall (5)
John Hugall (5)
Geoffrey Hugall (4)
Margaret Hugall (4)
Alan Hugall (4)
Jean Hugall (4)
Louis Hugall (3)
Mark Hugall (3)
Lorraine Hugall (3)
Jonathan Hugall (3)
Doreen Hugall (3)
Carole Hugall (2)
Kyle Hugall (2)
Lee Hugall (2)
Lucy Hugall (2)
Christopher Hugall (2)
Jeremy Hugall (2)
Peter Hugall (2)
Lynn Hugall (1)
Rosemary Hugall (1)
Raymond Hugall (1)
Trevor Hugall (1)
Marcia Hugall (1)
Bridgette Hugall (1)
Margare Hugall (1)
Marte Hugall (1)
Laura Hugall (1)
Duncan Hugall (1)
Hazel Hugall (1)
Gwyneth Hugall (1)
Gillian Hugall (1)
Jennie Hugall (1)
William Hugall (1)
Faye Hugall (1)
Julia Hugall (1)
Joy Hugall (1)
Angela Hugall (1)
Albert Hugall (1)

Surname Hugall in USA   

Hugall reversed is Llaguh
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Haglul Ghulal Ughall Hgulla
Misspells: Hugoll Hugalla Hguall Huglal

Rhymes: Chagall gall Bacall Ball Cornwall Foosball frugal google bugle ducal buccal

Meaning of name Hugall is: Old Norse ''hugall'' = 'mindful, attentive'
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