Statistics and meaning of name Hulubei

We have no records about Hulubei being used as firstname.
Surname Hulubei is used at least 78 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 胡卢贝伊 (pinyin: hú lú bèi yī)

Given names
Elena Hulubei (8)
Ioan Hulubei (8)
Constantin Hulubei (4)
Emil Hulubei (4)
Maria Hulubei (3)
Ion Hulubei (3)
Costica Hulubei (2)
Stefan Hulubei (2)
Laurentiu Hulubei (2)
Ileana Hulubei (2)
Florica Hulubei (2)
Aurora Hulubei (2)
Mariana Hulubei (2)
Dan Hulubei (2)
Iolanda Hulubei (2)
Dorin Hulubei (2)
Cristea Hulubei (2)
Mihai Hulubei (1)
Nicusor Hulubei (1)
Viorica Hulubei (1)
Traian Hulubei (1)
Mihaita Hulubei (1)
Zamfira Hulubei (1)
Gheorghe Hulubei (1)
Daniel Hulubei (1)
Cristian Hulubei (1)
Anica Hulubei (1)
Emilian Hulubei (1)
Fanica Hulubei (1)
Lenuta Hulubei (1)
Alexandru Hulubei (1)
Livia Hulubei (1)

Surname Hulubei in USA   

Hulubei reversed is Iebuluh
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ubuhiel Huulibe Biluheu Iuhlueb Eibhulu Uehilub
Misspells: Hulubey Hulubej Hulubee Hulubeia Hluubei Hulubie Huluebi

Rhymes: cube lube rube tube boob

Meaning of name Hulubei is: from the word 'hulub' = 'pigeon' plus the suffix '-ei'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania United Kingdom Canada


Old Wiki
Name: Hulubei
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word hulub = pigeon plus the suffix -ei

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