Statistics and meaning of name Hunink
We have no records about Hunink being used as firstname.
Surname Hunink is used at least 61 times in at least 8 countries.
Given names
Antonius Hunink (1) Edmund Hunink (1) Theo Hunink (1) Hans Hunink (1) Jan Hunink (1) Bernard Hunink (1) Agnes Hunink (1) Gerry Hunink (1) Peter Hunink (1) |
Hunink reversed is Kninuh
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Hinnuk Nhunik Unhikn Hnunki
Misspells: Hunynk Hunjnk Hunenk Huninka Hnuink Hunikn Hunnik
Rhymes: bethink blink bobolink brink chink clink countersink sundeck cationic aphasic sputnik public
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Sander Hunink says: The surname Hunink refers to the habitation of one of the farmsteads or farms of the same name in the eastern part of the Netherlands, particularly in the Achterhoek, and neighbouring North Rhine-Westphalia. A book has been published about this name in which one can find a distribution map of the various Hunink farmsteads and spelling variants. An original Hunink farm must have been inhabited in the (early) Middle Ages by one Huno and his people. Leendert Brouwer, 'Hunink', in: Nederlandse Familienamenbank = CBG Familienamen, Amsterdam, Meertens Instituut / Den Haag, CBG Centrum voor familiegeschiedenis, 2000. See also: (in Dutch)
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